Labor's plan to hire 60 extra First Nations language teachers

Thousands more Australian kids will get the chance to learn a First Nations language as part of Labor’s plans to boost school attendance and lift academic results.

60 extra First Nations language teachers will be hired to teach local languages and better engage students and families in learning.

We are lucky to live in a country that is home to the world’s oldest continuous culture, with over 60,000 years of history.

But right now, less than one per cent of Australian students are learning a First Nations language at school.

Labor’s $14 million plan will allow 60 primary schools to hire a full time First Nations language teacher.

This commitment will help keep First Nations languages alive and Close the Gap in educational attainment.

For Indigenous students, learning First Nations languages has been shown to improve self-esteem and school attendance.

For non-Indigenous students, learning First Nations languages gives them a deeper understanding and appreciation of the cultures and histories of Australia’s first people.

First Nations communities will be placed at the centre of this plan, and part of decision making at every step.

Schools will be able to apply to participate. We will work with state governments and systems to select 60 schools based on need.


Authourised by Paul Erickson, ALP, Canberra

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