Privacy Policy

Linda Burney MP values your privacy, and follows current Australian best practice guidelines to ensure your privacy is protected.

Generally, any information collected by the Linda Burney MP is provided by you when you chose to stay up to date. This normally includes your name, address and any preferences chosen by you in creating your profile. This information helps us customise your online experience to suit your interests and passions. We will not share your information with anyone else, except where legally permitted or required. We do not store credit card information.

When you comment on our content, including on social media, you are acknowledging that your comments may be published alongside details of the account which you have submitted them. We do not allow anonymous comments. Linda Burney MP's social media and website channels are moderated and any comments that are defamatory or otherwise inappropriate are subject to removal.

When organising a petition, the Linda Burney MP will collect information required by the petition. Linda Burney MP collects non-identifying information relating to website usage by visitors to the website via cookies in order to improve your website experience. This information includes time, date, IP address, browser and other general website usage information.


Generally we collect information that you provide in the registration process, petitions, or surveys from a variety of sources. Information is also collected on third party platforms, such as X (formerly known as Twitter) and Facebook, if you agree on these platforms to share this information. Cookies are used to collect non-identifying information.


Information is collected to improve, personalise and customise your website experience. Information is also used to communicate with you about various material. In addition, there are specific obligations under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to disclose donations. When a donation is made we will record the necessary information, but do not store credit card information. See the section under Donations.


All e-mails sent via automated mailing lists will clearly identify Linda Burney MP or their representative as the sender and will include a suitable method for unsubscribing.

Disclosure of Information

Personal information provided to the Linda Burney MP and information collected by Linda Burney MP will not be disclosed to any other third party except where legally allowed or permitted. In the case of credit card transactions, the IP address of the visitor may be recorded, however this information will not be used or disclosed except where legally required.


Donations up to $1,500 to registered political parties may be tax deductible. Donations of over $16,300 are subject to disclosure under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918. This is the reason we require your personal details when making a donation.


This work is copyright. Permission is given for non-profit electronic viewing and distribution. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, this material may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission providing the material is not altered in any way and due acknowledgement is given. Any person wishing to distribute this material should seek also advice on their legal obligations under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918.


While Linda Burney MP has attempted to make the information on this server as accurate as possible, the information on this Web server is for personal and/or educational use only and is provided in good faith without any express or implied warranty. Linda Burney MP does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage occasioned by use of the information contained on the server nor from any access to the server. All access and use is at the risk of the user.

Contacting Us

Linda Burney MP welcomes your comments regarding this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy and would like further information, please contact us using details on the Contact Linda page of this website.