Improving the lives of Indigenous Australians

Improving the lives of Indigenous Australians Main Image

Since coming to office, the Albanese Labor Government has been hard at work to improve the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

It’s just not right that too many Indigenous Australians have shorter lives, live in overcrowded housing, or have less economic opportunity.

So we’re listening to communities and grassroots organisations on how we can make real progress on the things Indigenous Australians want: health, education, jobs, housing and justice.

During the time I served as Minister for Indigenous Australians, I was proud to serve in a government that continues to make a difference – one which will continue with my good friend, Malarndirri McCarthy as the new Minister.

Improving Healthcare

The Albanese Labor Government is improving healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, here’s how:

  • Refurbishing and building critical health infrastructure for more than 17 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services.
  • Expanding renal services, by investing $45 million to deliver up to 30 four-chair dialysis units to provide life-saving health care.
  • Training 500 new First Nations health workers, with over 180 students already enrolled.
  • Establishing a National Commissioner for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Young People.

Access to Quality Education

The Albanese Labor Government is helping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students access quality education, here’s how:

  • More than 23,000 First Nations Australians have enrolled in Fee-Free TAFE across Australia in 2023.
  • Supporting student engagement and school attendance through 55 new junior ranger programs.
  • Introduced 36 hours per fortnight of subsidised child care for families with First Nations children.
  • Boosted funding for 46 schools across Central Australia.
  • Funding up to seven remote training hubs for First Nations people in Central Australia.

Real Jobs with Proper Wages and Decent Conditions

The Albanese Labor Government is helping people in remote communities get real jobs, proper wages and decent conditions, here’s how:

  • Delivering 3,000 new jobs through our Remote Jobs and Economic Development Program. This is the first step on our commitment to replace CDP with real jobs, proper wages and decent conditions.
  • Expanding the Indigenous Ranger Program with an aim of doubling the workforce to 3,800 rangers by 2030.

Improving Housing

The Albanese Labor Government is building more houses in remote communities and improving crucial infrastructure, here’s how:

  • A landmark 10 year investment for housing in remote Northern Territory communities that will see up to 270 houses built each year while creating jobs and supporting Aboriginal businesses.
  • We built 100 homes in 100 days in remote communities with the Northern Territory Government.
  • Repairing and refurbishing houses across NT homelands, from Paru and Bartalumba Bay to Utopia.
  • Upgrading sanitation, and fire and electrical safety for homelands across the Northern Territory
  • Improved access to water in remote communities including Yuendumu and Milingimbi.

Justice and Community Safety

The Albanese Labor Government is improving community safety, here’s how:

  • Providing landmark funding for justice reinvestment to improve community safety, and reduce offending and contact with the criminal justice system.
  • Established real-time national reporting of deaths in custody to enhance accountability and transparency of government.

Last Updated: 22 April 2024