Secure and Well-Paid Jobs

Secure and Well-Paid Jobs Main Image

Every worker in Barton deserves a secure, well-paying job.

So we've been working hard make sure that families in our community can benefit from better wages and record jobs growth that our Government is delivering.

We're making sure that our economy is one where nobody is left behind.

Wage Rises for Minimum and Award Wage Earners

The Fair Work Commission’s Annual Wage Review decision in 2023 was a huge win for Australia’s low-paid workers.

The 5.75 per cent increase to awards was the biggest increase in history and is helping 2.7 million workers.

For nearly a decade wages were deliberately kept low under the Liberals and Nationals. The Albanese Government is deliberately getting wages moving.

Improving Job Security and Workplace Rights

The Government’s Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill is giving Australian workers a better deal and a better future.

By modernising the bargaining we will see more workplace agreements, delivering better productivity and flexibility for employers and better pay and conditions for workers.

The opposition voted against better wages, against secure jobs and against closing the gender pay gap.

Our Government is taking the opposite approach – whether its banning pay secrecy clauses that hold back women’s wages or limiting the use of fixed term contacts, higher wages are a deliberate feature of this Government’s policies.

Making Wage Theft a Crime

The Albanese Labor Government is standing up for Australian workers by delivering on our promise to criminalise wage theft across the nation.

That’s why the Government – as part of the Closing Loopholes Bill – is making it a criminal offence to deliberately underpay workers.

Criminal penalties won’t apply to employers who make honest mistakes, but this legislation will ensure penalties are proportionate to the extent of the underpayment.