Strengthening Medicare

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I believe everyone in Barton should have access to world-class healthcare. Access to health care should depend on your Medicare card, not your credit card.


Investing in Medicare

We’ve made the largest investment into bulk billing in the history of Medicare.

We tripled incentives for GPs to bulk bill kids, pensioners, and concession card holders.

We said we’d strengthen Medicare and that’s exactly what we’re doing.

Five new full MRI licenses for Barton

MRI machines are vital for diagnosing a range of diseases.

The 2024 Budget includes $69.8 million to increase the number of Medicare eligible MRI machines across Australia. This includes upgrading five machines in our electorate of Barton to full Medicare licenses, like the one at St George Public Hospital.

Making it Easier to see a Doctor

We’re investing in additional Medicare Urgent Care Clinics – expanding our network of clinics to a total of 87 locations across the country, so more Australians can benefit from bulk billed, walk-in urgent care.

We’re also delivering new, free mental health services, raising Medicare rebates for common blood and diagnostic tests, and funding a $160 million women’s health package.

Cheaper Medicines

The Government is delivering on its promise to make the medicines people need cheaper. On January 1 2023, the Labor Government reduced the maximum amount you’ll pay for PBS medicines, and 60 day prescriptions mean Australians with eligible prescriptions can collect twice the medication for the cost of a single script.

You can read more about how we're strengthening Medicare at this link.