Celebrating our Australia Day honourees

Celebrating our Australia Day honourees Main Image

By Team Burney

16 March 2024

They would be the last to tell anyone, but Peter and Matthew here have done something rather amazing.

They’re two of the four people in Barton who were recognised for their service to our community on Australia Day. Linda caught up with both of them for morning tea to thank them for their important work.

Dr Matthew Chu received a membership of the Order of Australia for his work in emergency medicine, and Peter Leondaritis received a medal for his long service to the Greek Australian community.

Two other Barton residents, Wenche Kverneland and Alissa Beddy were honoured with a Public Service Medal and Australian Corrections Medal respectively for their work during the COVID pandemic, protecting the health of NSW Health staff and patients, and corrections staff and inmates.

So many Australians like Peter, Matthew, Wenche and Alisssa go above and beyond for the community, and they don’t do it for recognition. But it's always wonderful to recognise those people when we can.