15 Percent Payrises For Early Educators While Keeping Fees Down

15 Percent Payrises For Early Educators While Keeping Fees Down Main Image

By Team Burney

08 August 2024

The Albanese Labor Government will fund a significant wage increase for early childhood educators across Australia, while keeping fees down for families.

Linda Burney, Member for Barton visited Gowrie NSW Clemton Park Early Education centre on Tuesday to thank educators for their hard work on Early Learning Matters Week (5-9 August).

The Government will fund a 15 per cent wage increase for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) workers.

This wage increase will be tied to a commitment from Child Care Centres to limit fee increases.

This significant wage increase is an important next step in the Government’s reforms to the sector, building on the successful Cheaper Child Care changes, which have already benefitted 7,100 families in the Barton community.

Phased in over two years, $3.6 billion will fund a 10 per cent increase from December 2024, and a further 5 per cent from December 2025. That will mean an extra $103 per week for the typical ECEC from December, increasing to at least $155 by December 2025.

Services must cap increases at 4.4% over the next 12 months to be eligible for the funding. This important condition will keep downward pressure for Barton families.

Since coming to Government, the number of ECEC workers has grown by more than 30,000, but we need more.

This commitment will help retain existing early childhood educators, who are predominately women, and attract new employees.

Quotes attributable to Linda Burney, Member for Barton

“Accessible, affordable and inclusive early learning sets up children for life, from school right through to university and vocational training, and it wouldn’t be possible without educators.

“It was special to say ‘thank you’ to the team at Gowrie Clemton Park and spend time with the little ones they educate on Early Learning Matters Week

“The Government knows that ‘thanks’ is not enough for a workforce that has long been undervalued.

“They are a workforce of well-trained experts shaping Australia’s future and deserve to be recognised for their skills. That recognition will come from a pay raise and building respect for the sector.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education Jason Clare

“The child care debate is over. It’s not babysitting. It’s early education and it’s critical to preparing children for school.

“They lift our kids up and now we are lifting their pay.

“This is the cost of living double whammy – wages up for workers and keeping prices down for families.

“A pay rise for every early childhood educator is good for our workforce, good for families and good our economy.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Early Childhood Education Dr Anne Aly

“This is a wonderful outcome for a highly feminised workforce that has for far too long been neglected and taken for granted.

“We’re boosting the wages of early childhood education workers, while reliving cost of living pressures on Australian families.