Grant Backs Shopfront In Putting Disability Centre Stage

Grant Backs Shopfront In Putting Disability Centre Stage Main Image

By Team Burney

11 June 2024

A grant of over $200,000 from the Federal Government’s Linkages and Capacity Building Program will help Shopfront Arts Co-Op put young people with disability centre stage.

Linda Burney, Member for Barton visited Shopfront on Wednesday to meet Shopfront Creative Director and CEO Natalie Rose, and Cathy Nisbet, Director of Philanthropy and Partnerships, to discuss the plans for their new P(ART)ICIPATION program.

Shopfront’s “P(ART)ICIPATION - Putting Disability Centre Stage” program will support 44 Young People aged 18+ with disability engage in multi art creative workshops and creative development. It was developed in consultation with a Disability Advisory Panel. The Linkages and Capacity Building Program has backed Shopfront’s project.

A cohort of seven per year will also create and perform a new full length theatrical work within a mixed ability group.

Based in Carlton and founded in 1976, Shopfront is one of the largest Youth-led arts organisations in NSW. They create opportunities for young people with diverse backgrounds and experiences engage with the arts, including people with disability.

Quotes attributable to Linda Burney, Member for Barton

“Shopfront has been an important part of our community of Barton for many decades.

“They have made the arts for accessible for young people of all backgrounds, and the P(ART)ICIPATION program is an extension of that wonderful work.

“The Albanese Labor Government is proud to support programs, like P(ART)ICIPATION, that help to make the creative arts accessible for and inclusive of people with disability.”